I wish we had a water-proof camera because then you could see her elated face as she was flying!
Before we went to Marco Island, Bryan came out for a short visit. He took Matthew to "Bolt" the movie and then to the toy store. Bryan didn't realize that he had bought tickets online to the 3-D show. Matthew didn't want to wear the 3-D glasses, so he watched the whole movie in a blur. He loved it though! Bryan said that he sat with a smile on his face as he ate more popcorn than Bryan! After the movie, they were able to play outside (in mid-December) with the drag-racing set that Matthew picked out. "I win you, Uncle Bryan!" Thanks for a great visit, Bryan.
Here's Matt getting "SPF'd" to go lay by the pool. Little did he know that this brand of lotion did not rub in very well. Rob nicknamed him "Elmer" because he looked like he was covered in Elmer's glue.
Show me teeth, Natalie!
Matt bravely caught a starfish with his bare hands! Here Matthew is helping him put him in a bucket of water so that we could watch him.
This is celebrating Christmas. Dad got some wooden puzzles and some clothes. Natalie got a cute headband, and along with Matthew, got some rediculously good-looking clothes! They also got some fun toys and books.
Rachel got a ring that she had seen at a local jeweler's the first night they were in Marco (that my mom secretly went back to buy). She was so excited (and Rob was super-excited for her - what a nice, sarcastic husband).
Rob got some nice clothes, but the best gift was teaching his nephew how to pull his finger and say "excuse me!" afterward.
Mom got a calendar and a photo book with pictures of Dad, the dogs, kids, and grandkids on it. What Grandma doesn't like that?
Matt and I got the most amazing gift of free babysitting! We were able to leave the kids up in the condo with my mom or dad and go for long walks on the beach or just relax by the pool. We also got to go to our favorite restraunt with Rob and Rachel, Tommy Bahama's. It was glorious! We also got some great clothes that I willingly model below. The green sweater and shoes are the new items. Any agents out there?
Okay, that's long enough of a post for today. I have many more pictures from Marco and then back home in Philly with Matt's family.
While I'm not sure about the agents, I did just get a call from the local Irish stepdance team. They want you!! They said that your ability to keep your hands at your side while executing a beautiful kick was really exciting. They're offering a full Irish breakfast every day along with pretty ribbons for your hair. Should I tell them yes? :)
CUUUUUUUUTE! I'm so jealous- it's been way too long since I've been to Marco.
Oh- I'm ANONYMOUS (and lazy.) Kristy
Love the picture of Natalie being launched through the air. And is she throwing sand on Matthew. That's what little sisters are for! Gorgeous family you have.
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