It was bound to happen...
Natalie has been taking her diaper off before she goes to bed. Two nights ago, I go in to check on both of them and Natalie is dead asleep with her bare butt up in the air and a puddle of pee underneath her! Where was my camera and why doesn't it work in the dark? Well tonight was a different story. She took her diaper off and pooped in the crib. Bless her heart, when I went up there to see why see was whining, she was smashed in the corner of her crib, all blankets and pillows huddled around her and a big turd in the middle of the crib. As I walk in the room, she says with the binky hanging out of her mouth, "Poop...Poop." What a sad pathetic site! I plopped her straight in the tub and spoke very clearly into the monitor, "There's...poop...all...over...the...crib." Sure enough, I heard backup coming up the stairs from the basement to help.
Gross! That's hilarious that she was crouched in the corner, probably trying to get as far away as possible. Remember Luke and the "jumping poop" story? Good thing you had backup!
HAHAHAHA! Oh my gosh, I shouldn't laugh...it'll probably come back to bite me in the backside...but I can't help it! The image of that sweet face and all those curls huddling in a corner makes me giggle. :)
This is hilarious...but I know my turn is coming, so I guess it's not that funny :)
Hooray for backup!
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