This is Matthew's latest trick and it absolutely freaks his dad out. This was a trick he learned in Sunday School. He came home from church, sat at the table, just like this and held out his finger toward me. Looking past his finger he says, "Look, two moms!" He has now perfected his trick to doing it without holding his finger out to start the eyes. We're so proud.

And everyone's favorite play area - the water!

Natalie would hold that toy right in the stream of the water (which was freezing cold and it would splash up in her face. She would then turn to Rachel and say, "Wet-hu, wet-hu, wet!"
This is Natalie dancing to nursery rhymes and songs on the TV. It looks more like Madonna's "Cherish" video from back in the day, but that's just me.

I have completed another year of teaching. I am home all day with the kids and I love it. I also love my teaching job, but now that I don't have it taking up my mornings, I enjoy a relaxing cup of un-leaded coffee and then just playing with the kids and taking them places that we never seemed to have time to do during school. I was always working around nap schedules or practices or whatnot, but I'm really enjoying my time at home. Matt says he likes me totally relaxed, too. Well isn't that nice.
They could sit in a subway car, drive a dump truck, ride a moped, and plant a garden (P.S. the fenced in areas were my favorite)...
I have completed another year of teaching. I am home all day with the kids and I love it. I also love my teaching job, but now that I don't have it taking up my mornings, I enjoy a relaxing cup of un-leaded coffee and then just playing with the kids and taking them places that we never seemed to have time to do during school. I was always working around nap schedules or practices or whatnot, but I'm really enjoying my time at home. Matt says he likes me totally relaxed, too. Well isn't that nice.
I was able to take the kids with Rachel, a friend of mine and Elle, the little girl Natalie's age that she watches, to the Please Touch Museum. Elle would sit in a room and play with something for dozens of minutes on end while my kids raced from room to room to room just trying to take everything in all at once. That's always a fun site - watching a pregnant woman waddle after her two sprinting kids going in opposite directions! Ok, well that's not totally true. I don't waddle. And, if you've been with my kids at all you know that they are very well-behaved and that they listen to me so it wasn't totally true. I just thought you'd like the image. They were running around crazy, but that's because I let them. See the difference? They were just so excited! Here are just a few pictures from that fun day - thanks Rachel! 
They had cars to play in...
Rumpelstilzkin's Castle with Jack and the Beanstalk nearby. The Giant's voice would boom, "Fee Fie Fo Fum!" and the kids would look startled up at the beanstalk where the speaker was. I enjoyed that part.
Check out this concentration...
Natalie would hold that toy right in the stream of the water (which was freezing cold and it would splash up in her face. She would then turn to Rachel and say, "Wet-hu, wet-hu, wet!"
Thank you from the overseas contingent.
Looks like a fun day at the museum - I love going to those types of places with kids. And I love Matthew's new trick - I can just see Matt freaking out. At least it's better than the retarded cat face. I'm waiting for a picture of the waddling pregnant lady.....I'm beginning to question if you're pregnancy is all in my imagination. Give the camera to someone else so we can see YOU for once!
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