My family
complains that I never have pictures of me. Here's one from last month in Marco.

The belly's a bit bigger now! And here's one with my boyfriend. He doesn't wear his wedding band because it's a little big and he doesn't want it to "fall off and lose it." Aw, how sweet. Always thinking ahead. Those dolphins in Marco are known to jump right out of the gulf and strip men of their wedding bands, so good thinking dear. "That's what turns me on about 'cha - your attention to details." (Ace Ventura, Pet Detective)
You look gorgeous, Rebecca! Oh, and Markus doesn't wear his wedding ring to work either. Says it "bothers" him. Baby. I make him wear it when we go out or to church, so people don't think I'm a married mom cheating around!
Listen missy..I'd like to see some updated posts, including some up-to-date pregnancy pictures. If I have to do do you!!!! :)
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