This morning at about 5 I was awoken by some funny pangy feelings in my lower stomach. I debated on whether or not I should call my department head to tell him I was in labor so that he could let my sub know. I kept waiting and waiting and just kept feeling nauseaus and adrenaline-surged that the baby might really be coming. At about 7 I thought I should just go to power walking class and that would either help contractions or let me know I wasn't really in labor. I only get a week off of my classes, so I want to make sure I'm really having this baby in order to use up one of those precious days! You should have seen my class' faces when I told them I had had a few contractions and that I would only be walking
half the route with them today. That was my 8am class. I was feeling heavy Braxton-Hicks contractions, but not the real ones. So I stayed for my 9am class and walked half their route, too. After this walk I didn't feel much progress. Talk about getting your hopes up and then having them come crashing down! I came home to rest for a half-hour while I still had the sitter, but was getting texts from everyone on campus wishing me good luck. It was nice, but I should've just shut my phone off.
I'm not feeling like myself and am really tired. I think it's my body's way of telling me to rest to get ready for the new one to come. After lunch I got to nap a little when the kids napped and was awoken again by more of those uncomfortable feelings. So, I do think that things are happening, but not so quickly. We just went for a family walk and I felt more Braxton-Hicks contractions. The good thing is that my mom and dad are headed out here in a few hours and that they didn't miss any action yet. I had a dream two nights ago that they drove out here but didn't make it in time for the birth and Matt called them to tell them the baby was here, but that they'd have to wait and see what we had until they actually got to the hospital. Isn't that cruel? How could you do that, Matt? You're such a tease. Anyway, it'll make me feel better when my parents come and will help me not worry about finding people to watch the kids.
I seriously just keep waiting for THAT text; each one I receive I get so anxious and then bummed. You're always on my mind Coach!!
Happy Due Date!!!! :) Let's hope that the littlest Nadelhoffer gets his/her butt in gear and makes a break for it. Gently, of course.
My favorite part of this post is the "I'm so done with pregnancy" face/picture you have. It's almost the same face you made when you were overdue with Natalie.
Can't wait to hear the good news that things have started and this one has arrived safe & sound!!!
Congratulations..heard the good news...looking forward to the next update!
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