I've had some people tell me that once you have your third child, they just go with the flow b/c they have to, b/c there's so much commotion around them that they are entertained. Not so much. Libby is a good sleeper at night, but during the day she wants some attention, too. Attention in the form of "Hold me. If you put me down, within 5 minutes I'll realize I'm not being held and I'll let you know about how you left me alone." So this is how she spends a lot of her day - as a fashionable arm accessory.

Libby's going through a growth spurt, to say the least. She grew an inch and a half since birth (2 1/2 weeks ago) and is in the 97th percentile for length. She weighs 8.13 and that puts her in the 70th percentile.
Natalie began riding her princess bike by herself this week! At 2yrs 3months we think that's pretty spectacular! Her biggest obstacle is watching out for big brother on his bike. He is so fast. He lowers his head, raises his elbows and plows down the sidewalk. He yells, "Nat-a-LEEE!" and with a look of sheer panic, moves to her safe place to get out of the way. Here's what that looks like:

Matthew learned hop-scotch with Grammy this week and then when PopPop came they played baseball in the driveway and he finally caught on to the concept of hitting the ball, dropping (a.k.a. flinging) the bat, and then running the bases. One of his new favorite activities is finger-painting:

Today was cold and rainy, so PopPop came up with the great idea of buiding a fire and then eating a picnic lunch in front of the fireplace. Great idea, PopPop! The kids loved it.

Um, the third needs to be seen too! I'm going to need a few more pictures of her please. :)
Love hearing the updates about the kids! It's fun to hear what they're up to. Little Libby just wants to make sure she's not lost in the chaos!
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