Saturday, March 27, 2010

Six Months!

I don't know if you can see, but Matthew is constantly in Libby's face talking to her and making her smile. He's in the reflection of her sunglasses.

Has it really been six months? It's been a blur. I was thinking about how we were all in Marco over Christmas and I was like, "was Libby there? I think so... I don't really remember." Is that bad of me? It's just that she fits in so well with the flow and the busyness of the family and she's content to just watch it all go on around her. She has the quickest smile and can light up a stranger's face just by looking at them and flashing that toothless grin. She has mastered rolling over (when she wants to). She's very selective about when she wants to do it right away or when she'd rather lay there and cause a scene. Matt's right: there is a lot more drama raising girls!

So now I'll back up two weeks... Mom came out to visit! Yea! I think it may have been the daily photo albums I would email her that got her out here. Yeah, that may have done it, but I think the deciding factor was the phone message from the kids telling her they missed her and loved her and needed to see her. She had not seen Libby since Christmas, so needless to say, Libby had changed a bit since she had seen her last. As this picture shows, they were completely smitten with each other: Since it rained ALL day, every day she was here, we had to find things to do. We took the kids to get haircuts. This was Natalie's first haircut and all of us were nervous about cutting off the curls! Matt even called while Natalie was sitting in the chair and the stylist heard Matt tell her not to cut off the curls. She assured us she wouldn't. She did a great job cutting her hair and added just enough layers so that BO-ING!!!! the curls could not be contained. My mom and I both had our cameras there as well as our phones that have cameras on them. We could've been a Saturday Night Live skit with all of the pictures we were taking! At one point, I obviously wasn't thinking, and the stylist had Natalie looking down and I said, "Natalie, look up! Over here! Smile! Look at Mommy!" The poor woman had to try to cut hair as mom and I were both vying for Natalie's attention. Natalie, a.k.a. Sally Sit-Still (that's what we call her because she doesn't sit still!) didn't move a muscle the whole time she was in the chair. She was awesome.
This is Matthew getting tickled by "Mr. Buzz" the electric razor:
The finished product:

Thanks for coming, Mom!


Unknown said...

Fun fun fun! Always good times when Grandma comes to visit. I can't wait for my mom to come visit us soon. Love the haircuts, glad Natalie still has her curls. And Libby looks like a star in her shades!

Mark and His Girls said...

Absolutely Adorable...they TOTALLY take after you. ;) Sure wish we lived closer, I think Tessa would have a riot with your well as Libby and Molly (staring at eachother). Miss you.