Thursday, April 2, 2009

A typical morning with the babysitter

"A Bananda" is how Matthew first started pronouncing Amanda's name. Here's what they love doing with Amanda:

Taking all the cushions off the couches and flipping off of them.

On the flipping note, Natalie does somersaults too! Sometimes she does them all by herself and sometimes she'll put her hands and her head on the groud, tuck her chin and wait for Matthew to come racing by and push her butt over! They both laugh and laugh.

They like riding trucks, taking care of the "baby", and taking pictures. Notice who's ready to drop the hammer from the top ropes!

They build forts and train sets

And sometimes they just stand and squeal at each other

A disclaimer about the pajamas. They still fit, so even though we're way past Halloween, they're still going to wear them. Just like my Spode Christmas dishes. They are still beautiful and very useful, so they're not in storage.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you used the pictures! They came out pretty cute if I say so myself :)

Unknown said...

Why SHOULD you put the pajamas away just b/c it's not Halloween? Eli is still wearing his Valentine t-shirt. Sounds like they have a lot of fun with the babysitter - I want to come! I love that Natalie waits for Matthew to come push her over. What a good team!