Saturday, December 19, 2009

Oh No She Didn't!

A series of things have happened at the house where I've said aloud, "Oh no you d' ent!" (didn't)
We did get the two feet that was forcasted here. It was fun. Noodles loves bouncing around in the snow. When I let her out, she was a little disoriented by all of the white - she jumped on the roof like normal, but this time she proceded to piddle right there on the roof!
"Oh no she didn't!"

Natalie woke up in the middle of the night last night. She was whining telling me to get her another sippy cup because I put soup in her current sippy cup. Of course I did no such thing, but she must have been dreaming about the soup she had for dinner that she didn't like. She kept asking me why I put soup in her sippy cup? When I showed her the water that was in her sippy cup, she insisted it was soup! How could I do such a thing?

"Oh no I didn't!"

A few nights ago I had put the kids to bed and went downstairs to feed Libby. Matthew and Natalie were talking and giggling and I "Shhhhhushed" them. Matthew was trying to tell me something, but I just said, "No more talking, it's nigh-night time." Well, when Matt came home and walked in (hours later) Natalie woke up, whispered to Matt, "Daddy! Do you want to know something?" Matt said he did. She said, "Mommy forgot to brush our teeth tonight!" She called me out! Obviously that's what Matthew was trying to tell me when I was shushing them.

"Oh no she didn't!"

I have another incident that I'm not proud of, it was in a moment of parental weakness. I immediately apologized to Natalie for it, but I thought I should let all my readers know that I am not perfect. Natalie has been my shadow for the past few weeks because she's been afraid of "the Black Witch" from Sleeping Beauty. Sort of like when Matthew was afraid of "the Scary Guy" whoever that was. Anyway, I'm stalling because I'm so ashamed, I had been asking Natalie for 25 minutes to pick up the Lincoln Logs and put them in the bucket. Literally, I was sitting next to her, watching as she would pick up one piece and slowly put it in the bucket. Then she would lose focus and just stand still. I would say, "Natalie!" and she would jerk like I snapped her trance that she was in. She would slowly pick up another piece and you get the picture. 25 minutes of this. Well lunchtime crept up on us and I had to go make lunch. The whole time I'm calling down the steps hoping that we're making progress. I forgot to mention that there are about 250 Lincoln Log pieces. So, I'm finished making lunch and I ask Natalie if she's finished. "No," she says. I come halfway down the stairs to see that NOT ONE piece has moved since I've made lunch. Should I be so surprised? not really. At this point I'm a little frustrated. Teensy bit. So, instead of taking a breath and thinking first, I say, "Listen here, Snow White, you better hurry up before the Black Witch comes!" Oh yes I did. And I even got my Disney Princess wrong in the process. Didn't matter, Natalie made the most heartbreaking face and scream-cried and came running up the stairs.

"Oh no I didn't!"

To even the score here, we'll include Matt. Matt had an extremely emotional week with basketball. There are always trials every season on every team, but this one situation was difficult and took a lot out of Matt. He would come home and say "hi" to the kids but then he'd go right to bed completely drained. I felt bad for him, but knew there was nothing I could do or say to fix it, so I just climbed in bed and snuggled close to him. Ya' know what he did? Oh no he didn't! I felt his stomach tighten up and then the resounding buh-whaap was so shocking I couldn't move! And after a wind so roughly passed as that, you dare not move for fear of the whaft that shoots straight up the nostrils when the sheets move!

"Oh no he didn't!"

The following stories are all true except it was me, not Matt. Again readers, I apologize for ruining my perfection.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ha ha - fluffing the covers! Love the stories. And I understand the Mommy guilt. I feel terrible every time I raise my voice at Eli. It happens to the best of us!