Monday, April 5, 2010

He is Risen!

I have taught my Dutch Christian Reformed children well.

Here they are at church on Easter Morning:

Since it was the first Sunday of the month, Matt and I had nursery duty on Easter. Libby was in nursery with us. Evidently we are a fun bunch of workers and we tire out the kids, bless her heart.

When we got home I just had to take a picture of the kids in their outfits, but that didn't work out so well. Poor Libby. Here's Libby without being bothered: After church we had our Easter egg hunt in the basement. Oh my goodness! The kids could hardly wait. Matthew found an orange egg in the orange hungry hungry hippo's mouth:

Natalie looking for eggs:
She found one! And it was PINK! Her favorite color! Life is SO GOOD!
Matthew paused during the event to count his eggs. As he returned to the hunt, his Father, "The Tease" stole all of his eggs. Matthew's reaction to his eggs being gone:


a.marie said...

hahaha i LOVE the libby group shot of the squished face. and i love natalie finding the "golden pink" egg :)

Unknown said...

The best part of the 2nd video is you giggling in the background. I miss you! Poor little Libby - too much love from her big siblings. :)