Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Long time no post

Sorry everyone. I love blogging. I love reading comments about my blog. I love sharing my life with you and I love showing off my kids to you, too. So why haven't I blogged? Well that's a stupid question. I know, you were always taught that "there are no stupid questions, Johnny, only stupid answers." But in this case, that's just a stupid question. I'm lazy. There are no two ways around that. Lazy lazy lazy wife, prof, mommy, coach, yogi, friend, wife. Oh, I already mentioned wife. But, some of you know why that goes on there twice. :)
Like I said. I love my life and sharing all of its craziness with you. I know I have a lot to catch up on, but for now, I'll share a pic of me and a few of the kids. They are getting so big! Why share a pic of me? Because my mom sent me this fabulous Free People sweatshirt in the mail yesterday. Just Because. Her description of it beats any of my attempts: "Oh free the people! It looks poppish, punchy, grundgy, and Mainline irreverent. Thought you would like it." Too funny. Matthew took the picture with my iPhone and I was modeling it like Natalie would.
Mom sent clothes for kids, too. They had to model them in their own way:
Thanks mom!


gmdykstra said...

hysterical pictures my little pretty. Visualize dad unable to talk, breath or stop shaking his shoulders as he laughs till he cries. Sweatshirt looks very sassy indeed. As they say, "If the shoe fits, wear it!"

a.marie said...

LOVE the free people sweatshirt. good choice. natalie's pose is right on par. along with libby showing her joy in modeling and photography :) love it. welcome back to blog land.

Unknown said...

Looks like Libby's not enjoying her fame as a model. Love the rest of the fashion show, though!